
Friday, February 17, 2012

Dark Web where unknown identity is real speciality

Daily we use Internet and chat with friends and family search etc no doubt Internet is a different world and most of know this thing but in common world of Internet there is another world also exist which is called Dark Web.This is an international Internet system which is almost impossible to search. That is the big reason that its so famous in the world and all illegal people use this system for their activities.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where Could be the life in universe instead of Earth?

Scientists prepare a list of such stars and and moons where they think that chances of life and also life of other species are possible.From many years scientists are trying to explore the chances of life on other stars or other species but final results still awaiting.

Nokia N9, is it alternative of iPhone?

Last week we review a device of Nokia N9 it wonder the results came from users and it force to think an alternative of Apple iPhone.we can  can say that how N9 stacks up.

Samsung Announced Galaxy Tab 2

Samsung announced on Monday its 7 inch Galaxy Tab 2.This tab has dual core processor and  run android 4.0. It will be available in 3G and Wifi version from march in Europe. Starting from UK market samsung is playing all over the board. Analysts says that samsung is coming a new competitor in market as Apple and HTC already capturing whole market.

Monday, February 13, 2012

iPhone 4s criticized due to weak battery timing

After some weeks later when iPhone 4s captured its market most of user complain that its battery timing is not good enough. Many peoples criticize iPhone 4s due to weak battery.

Smart phones reduce the sale of camera

In America a survey servery was conduct and result was that smart phones sale is more than the small cameras.
These smart phones are affecting the sale of small cameras.

Indian, Delhi High Court warn GOOGLE and FACEBOOK.

Delhi High Court warn social net working site Facebook and most famous search engine Google that if they cant control the material which is not allowed in India then Indian government have to take steps like china and banned Google and Facebook in India.

118% Increase in Apple Profit.

Americans Company Apple earn $13.6 billion record profit during the three spam of three months, which is 118% more than earn in 2010.

A bullet that can found its Target itself.

New bullet that can found its target itself

American forces are trying to make a bullet that can found its target itself and also  change its way to reached the target.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

All about Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs Feb 24, 1955 - Oct 5,2011

Steve jobs is best known as co foundered of apple Computer with stephen Woznaik. Under his guidance the company pioneered a series of revolutionary technology including the iphone and ipad. Apple's revolutionary products which include the ipod iphone and ipad , are now sen as dictating the evolution of modern technology