
Sunday, February 12, 2012

without rocket science fly in space can u imagine this?

At that time when America is slow down its space program two Canadian students proof that there is no need to fly with a rocket in  space.

These are two students Methoho and Asad Muhammad studying in Canadian  school.Both of these use a toy and attached a cam with it and send it  in clouds with the help of common thing use by kids.They use a box attached a flag in man hand and then hang it with a ballon in air.
 This balloon travel in air almost 24 kilometer  after that ballon balast but boys attached a parashoot on that box.   Box and camera came down on earth. It land at distance of 100 kilometer from the launching point.The intresting thing is that these boys search that box and cam  with GPS system.The most interesting thing is that in this spam of time that cam made the video of earth is so Strange and is becomimg famous on internet 

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