
Sunday, February 12, 2012

All about Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs Feb 24, 1955 - Oct 5,2011

Steve jobs is best known as co foundered of apple Computer with stephen Woznaik. Under his guidance the company pioneered a series of revolutionary technology including the iphone and ipad. Apple's revolutionary products which include the ipod iphone and ipad , are now sen as dictating the evolution of modern technology

He was also the CEO of Pixar Animation Studios until it acquired by the Walt Disney company in 2006. He is considered to have been  a leading figure in both computer and the entertainment  industries
He was born on February 24, 1955 to Joanne Simpsone and  Abdulfattah "Johan" Jandali ,two university of Wisconsin graduate  students who gave their unnamed son up for adoption.
As infront he was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. It was not until Jobs was 27 that he able to uncover the information on his biological parents.
Steve Jobs worked with his parents on electronics in the family garage where his father showed him how to take part and reconstruct electronics. It was his ablity and hoby that makes him mechanical power in young Steve Jobs.
He develop a deep interest in technology and first took a job in Atari Inc, a leading manufacturer of video games where he met fellow designer Steve Wozinak.
1n 1976, when Job was just 21 ,he and Wonzaiuk started Apple Computers. They Started in Jobs family garage , and funded their venture through Jobs selling his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak his loved scientific calculator. The first personal computer was sold  for $666.66
By 1980, Apple had already released three improved version of the personal computer. It was very successful and made both founder millionaires many times over.
In 1985, a disagreement led to Jobs resignation. He decided to change the hardware industry. The company was called  NeXTStep, which produced the Next Computer.
After various venture Jobs returned to his post as Apple CEO is credited with revitalizing the company n 1990s.
His genius products Such as the iMac. effective branding campaigns, and stylish design caught the attention of consumer once again.How ever in 2004 Jobs was diagnosed with malignant tumor in his pancreas. he underwent surgery and all seems well until 2008 when his health was in news once again. In January of 2009 he took formal six month leave absence from Apple saying that his health problem becoming more complex than i originally thought. After a transplant he returned to work in late 2009. He resigned as CEO in August 24,2011 and assumed the role of chairman of the board.
In respect to his persona life , Steve Jobs remained a private man who rarely disclosed information about his family.
Steve Jobs finally passed away from cancer at the age of  56 on October 5th,leaving behind a legacy that changed the computer,music,film and wireless industries

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