
Monday, February 13, 2012

A bullet that can found its Target itself.

New bullet that can found its target itself

American forces are trying to make a bullet that can found its target itself and also  change its way to reached the target.

That bullet fly with the help of tiny wings and easily hit the target with laser guide.Bullet can travel near about 2 kilometer and hit the target with accuracy. With new experiments it can hit the target accurately at long distance. Analysts says that this bullet is best for the shooter but if it is sold to common people then it is more dangerous.
The laak Martin which makes the best weapons in world is working on this for the American government.In first step 4 inches bullet is used in this experiment.The tip of that bullets is so sensitive and could travel through laser guide. With the help of tiny wings and so small electric motors are can change its way toward the target.
This bullets can change its way 30 time during fly.If the bullets turn in to wrong way no need to worry it is possible to put it back to right way.Team working on this bullets test it on computer and physical on earth target also.
Team says that no doubt they are facing some problems also but they are hopeful that it will be successful in the final experiments.
Analyst says that its demand will be increased in war fields.Royal United Services institute Elizabeth Quintana says that in Lebia Labia war 97% Neto bombing was accurate and hit the targets.He also says that this bullet will be helpful in Battle fields and minimize the casualties of citizens.
A special material is used to make it faster more then other bullets. Its speed is more than sound and according to analytics it can reached at speed of 2400 feet per second.
There are some negative thing in this bullets which are resolving day by day but the final experiment is not yet done.

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