
Friday, February 17, 2012

Dark Web where unknown identity is real speciality

Daily we use Internet and chat with friends and family search etc no doubt Internet is a different world and most of know this thing but in common world of Internet there is another world also exist which is called Dark Web.This is an international Internet system which is almost impossible to search. That is the big reason that its so famous in the world and all illegal people use this system for their activities.

In real world Dark Web is a network of those peoples who believe that there should be now law on Internet and it should be provide full freedom to do any thing either legal or illegal and no one should monitor Internet for right and wrong. A student David (not real name) is also a user of Dark Web.He says that he use he use this network for buying and selling drugs and there is no fair and risk of caught by the police and no need to stand on the rood and in a street to sale ale drugs.
And in this black market not only drugs,but illegal passport weapons and nude material all things are available.This network help David and like him other people to hide thein identity easily.In this network buyer don't know who is seller and from where he operate and it is also not possible for the law and forcement agencies to track them easily.
One user of this network said that I prefer selling and buying online instead of old typical way because its safe way and no risk.
A user can access the Dark Web with the help of pair to pair file sharing technology software.This software help them to change the location of user and website also.Dark Web is not only used for illegal activities it is also used in those countries where peoples don't have Political freedom. With the help of Dark Web Arab countries people use this against the government. One more thing make Dark web so secret called Bitcoin. This is p2p digital currency which user use in exchange of currency.
Question is that what the law and forcement agencies of the whole world doing to stop this illegal network? Mr Jon Car who is the incharge of Internet security said that police said only one thing that we don't have so many courts, Judges and police force to control these illegal activities.UK police commissioner said that we are trying best to control or minimize these activities.
But Dark Web is not access able so easily as it has no identity and this is its speciality. Blogger in Dark Web work against the Arab countries and keep their identity secret same is the case in China.
David said that Dark Web is name of freedom and many people including me accept that use of drug should be allowed in the society and Dark web is practical example of this believe.

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